Thursday 29 March 2012

My finished product: Front cover.

Statement of intent for the the front cover of my funk magazine.

What is the name of your magazine?
Due to my music genre, i decised to choose a name which is as wild as my music genre; funk. although i did not want to make my mast head too obvious, I wanted it to be related to the genre. having said all this, i had some rough ideas of what names i wanted for my magazine, i came up with ideas such as: THIS IS FUNK, Funkadelic Groove, Funk Sensation, State'O Mind/ State of mind, FUNK YOU. All these ideas were brain storms which then lead to me being stuck between; THIS IS FUNK and "State'O Mind" although i really liked "THIS IS FUNK" as it makes a bold statement, i still did not want to be too direct with my mast head, So i choose "State'O Mind" as the name of my magazine, i choose it because it does not give too much away, but at the same time relates to my music genre.
What is your magazine about?
My funk magazine is basically all about everything funk. By saying this i mean, it ranges from music to funk gossips. my magazine is being made to revive the 1960 feeling back. in the 1960, there was alot of vibrant colours, conventions were broken, bright colours were used on stuff like hair and even fashion. Funk allowed and enabled people to be themselves without being judged and so would my magazine; State'O Mind. State'O Mind would include funk gossips about past funk artists and band, which have seemed to have faded over the past years. my magazinve would also include free prizes which is normally used to artract audiences as it persuades them to buy the item. my magazine would also include the latest funk tracks and artists, this would help keep my target audieneces alert about funk music.

Describe the design of the title: layout, colours, and font’s placement land size:
Due to my image, i have chosen to lay my coverlines on the left side of the page, this is to enable the message that the image carries gets accross to my primary and secondary audince without being lost or perhaps misunderstood.

My two main fonts are Times New Roman and Gill San Ultra Bold Condense; I have chosen these two fonts to make sure that I dont overcrowd my front page, like i did with my student magazine. To make sure that my magazine took on codes and conventions of any other magazines, I would have to make sure that there is a variety of font sizes.

What would be dominate image be?
my main image would include my potencial target audeince holding or playing an iconic funk instrument. this is being done to still keep the stereotypic funk attributes alive. my main image may also include someone with an afro hair, with vibrant colours.
What does the image tell your potential audience?
Due to my main image, my target audience would be stereotyped as wild individual, they may then be regared as outgoing people; which is what funk is about. Having said this, i do not want to indirectly stereotype my target audience in a nagative way, or indirectly limit my target audience. So to avoid this; i would have to include (maybe) a varity of potential funk audience, i say maybe because in the 1960's funk was stereotypicaly made for the black population, and was a way for them to release any emotion or anger they had within them.
Would your target audience find your front image appealing? And why?
I think my target audience would find my main image/front image appealing, I say this because it follows the conventions funk music rather than the conventions of an ordinary magazine. To keep my target audience conected to the image i would have to create synthetic personality between the audience and the image. This means that my main image would have to include a perosn (whether male or female) to look directly at the camera; target audience. which makes them them feel "special".
Would you be including any other image on your front cover? If yes, what would they be?
I would be including other images on my front page, this is to make it unconventional and make it different, this is (again) due to my choosen music genre, as it does not follow conventions, it forms its own. I would also be including images of of festival to keep the "Funkadelic groove" alive. This is also de to the fact that one of my coverlines would be about a summer festival, the image would help to create a visual aspect to the coverline, it creates an image in the viewers head; that the festival would be fun.
What articles would be found in your magazine?
My magazine would include articles relateing to upcoming funk artists, funk legends, celebritries who have turned a new leaf and even drugs. These topics all relate to funk in some way, for instance, drugs; alot of funk artists ( Parliament Funkadelic ) have used drugs, which has seemed to damage them in some way, this also relates to the topic: celebrities who have turned a new leaf.
I have choosen to use articles like this in my magazine because, to me, thats what funk is bout, "State'O Mind", this includes everyday thoughts, as a whole. This includes the good times which is the creation of funk- which allowed enominous amount of people to express themselves, the bad times- the downfall of funk, and some of its artists and legends. My magzine could also include articles of new albums and new singles of funk artists, by doing this i could advertise "funk" in an aritcle.
How does these articles relate to the title?
Again, i have choosen these topics because to me, thats what funk is about. "State'O Mind" it relates to the emotions of the people. Topics which deal with people's everyday lifes, it is a good way to relate to my title, as it links with my title: "State'O Mind". by writing an article which could be hart felt and easy to relate to; my target audience would a sense of warmth. Articles titles such as "Bring back the days of nappy wear and ol school rythm... Parliment funkadelic are in the building!" could be a really good article as it could be refered to as heart felt time, which was when the parliment funkadelic split (which was a sorrowful time- according to fans) in essence, an article which, again, refers to the dept of funk, would be a good way to attract a primary and secondary audience

How many different colours are you using? What colour, what size and what font?
The colours being used on my music magazine are very vibrant and bold, they make statements. I have choosen to to use more than two colours, I have choosen to use three, this is because funk is all about not following conventions, although funk realates to alot of colours, i would only be using three, to keep it simple and less crowded unlike my student magazine, which due to fonts and colours used, my magazine looked crowded and untidy.
Fonts: I would be using only two fonts, again this is to try to keep the magazine simple and tidy, although funk is unconventional, I would have to follow some conventions to enable my magazine to be recognised as a proper magazine. the fonts i would be using are: New Romans and Bernared CS. this is because these two fonts are very simple but yet are still bold, which is also used on the posters located below.

Would your target audience find this appealing?
I would peronally say yes. This is because my magazine is a funk magazine, its theme is unconventional and different. so, the different fonts and different colours are just steps towards a professional funk magazine.
My main image could also be a way of attracting my primary and even secondary audiences; through the use of props and costumes, the idea of funk, becomes much  more believeabe for my target audience.