Thursday 5 April 2012

Statement of intent of my magazine contents page

During the research of various layouts and types of contents page, i came across one from heat magazine. Which to me seemed to blend in with my theme perfectly. Although heat magazine is not a music magazine; the layout of the page and its attribute seemed to appeal to me.

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Due to my reserch, I have chosen to used two grids on my contents page, demarcated it using two columns, but no grids. This is to allow one side of the page to be a list of coverlines and articles which my audince may want to read. While the other colum of my page would include more images. This would allow the page to be more multi modal; this give the readers more power; this is because the audience have a chance to look rather than  read.
I have chosen to follow the codes and coventions of the contents page above,  this is because I really think it could represent my music genre; funk.
I would have to associate  certain words in certain colours. For instance heat's contents page uses the colour red to indicate a coveline or heading/title, this is to demarcate the coverlines from their titles.
I have also chosen to do this, to ensure that my readers do not get confused in any way.
I have aso noticed (through my research of contents pages) There is one main image used that is bigger than the rest of the images (if there are any) this is to direct the readers and attrac them to a particular article, ensuring that are drawn to it; subsequently reading it. I would also be appling this code and convention unto my funk magazine content page, this is so ensure that important artciles are read by the readers (this subsequntly gives my; the editor, more power, as I predict and know what my audince would and may read any may even get influnced by. (as an editor/producer of the maagzine, due to my reaserch)
I have also noticed that an editors letter seems to constantly be placed on the content page specifically about the issue is included. this makes the readers feel welcomed to the magazine. i would also be applyin this technique to my magazine, because it indirectly creates a "fake" relationship with the readers; as synthetic personalisation is used through pronouns such as "you" making the readers feel welcomed to the magazine.

 My contents page template (heat magazine) although has been very hekpful, I would have to use more props and theocraticallity to relate to funk fans. This makes the audience believe that the magazine is infact a funk magazine, not a "copy cat" the colours also used on the costumes would also add to the theocraticallity of the theme.
I have  taken a series of images which act a a sample frame for my contents page:

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I have also decided to include computer generated images. that is, image that i, myself made using photoshop. however, my sty;e model (heat magzine, contents page) dos not include this. this is due to the nature of the magazine. my magazine, is a much more, unconventional type of magazine, that is certain layouts and atributes of the magazine are used due to the stereotype of the music genre. for instance, an RnB magazine may include more images of rappers (for instance) wearing jellery looking at the camera.

My contents page included and overt advertisment of a steareo player, which was also advertise covertly on my front cover. When my audince open my magzine to the contents; they would find and a compition for the stero player which were earlier shown to them; this indirecltly tells both my primary and secondary audince to go to the compition page and get a cnace to win.
The use of freebies, persuades both primary and secondary readers to pick up the magazine and get invloved in the magaizne; this immedialty promotes and encourages interactivity between the readers and I.
Coverline heading have been used to make reading the contents page easier. For instance titles such as "news," reviews allows the audince to pick what to read rather than just skeaming through the magazine. stories such as "FUNK OR PREPPY?!"  "I DONT LIKE ROCK, HIP-HOP; JUST FUNK!" "PARLIMENT FUNFAKDELLIC NEW ALBUM SLASHED p26""THE BEGINNING AND THE END ALBUM REVIEW P19" by doing this my audince are immedialty aware of the magazine genre, due to the names mentioned.
The main coverline on my contents page is ""I DONT LIKE ROCK, HIP-HOP; JUST FUNK!" this coverline relates to my image because there are two images used one which was more  aggressive looking (funk) while another was more fancy and subtile (preppy) this immedaitly plays on the sterotype of funk.
The use of these images allow my audince t re-expereince "funk" as it used to be; in the 1960's when people were able to be themselves rather than conforming the the society. this magazine alows the older generation to re-experince "the good days."
However, funk is stereotypically seen as a way for individual to go aganist the rules and get away with it due to individuality. the usee of my images and coverlines almost conferms the steroetype

I have noticed through my research of contents page that all professional magazines used a colour scheme on their contents page. i have chosen to follow this convention because it  acts in favour of my magazines, as the colours used, automatically became a signature for my magazine, or a colour which represents my magazine.
I would use colours such as dark purple for my coverline titles while red on yellow whould be used on my freebie image and my header "contents"
I have chosen to usde these colours because they are vibrant colours which are quite vibrante; which is a must have for funk.
I would be including "Contents" "Commentary" and even "New" on my contents page this is to 
make reading the contents page easier. for instance titles such as "news," reviews and "" alllows the audince to pick what to read rather than just skeaming through the magazine. stories such as "FUNK OR PREPPY?!" "I DONT LIKE ROCK, HIP-HOP; JUST FUNK!" "PARLIMENT FUNFAKDELLIC NEW ALBUM SLASHED p26""THE BEGINNING AND THE END ALBUM REVIEW P19" by doing this my audince are immedialty aware of the magazine genre, due to the names mentioned. 

I would be including "Contents" "Commentary" and even "New" on my contents page this is to
make reading the contents page easier. for instance titles such as "news," reviews and "" alllows the audince to pick what to read rather than just skeaming through the magazine. stories such as "FUNK OR PREPPY?!" "I DONT LIKE ROCK, HIP-HOP; JUST FUNK!" "PARLIMENT FUNFAKDELLIC NEW ALBUM SLASHED p26""THE BEGINNING AND THE END ALBUM REVIEW P19" by doing this my audince are immedialty aware of the magazine genre, due to the names mentioned.
The main coverline on my contents page is ""I DONT LIKE ROCK, HIP-HOP; JUST FUNK!" this coverline relates to my image because there are two images used one which was more aggressive looking (funk) while another was more fancy and subtile (preppy) this immedaitly plays on the sterotype of funk.
Finally, i would be using fonts such as "Gill San ultra bold condensed" and "New Times Roman" I have chosen to use these two fonts on my contents page because they are both bold but yet quite subtle. However when doing my priminary task of a student magazine, i used fonts such as "Gill san ultra bold, "Bernard mt condense and "Hobo std" which seemed to overcrowed my contents page; i have tried to avoid the repeteation of this becasue it makes my magazine seem like its overloading my readers with so much information when am really not.