Thursday 8 December 2011

evaluation of my student magazine.

                                                   student magazine evaluation
My magazine does not challenge conventions, but rather copies some, as most magazines follow the same ideas. in my magazine, my mast head is quite bold and big to ensure that the audience are able to recognise it from every other magazine. My coverlines have been placed on the left hand side of my magazine. I have done this due to the fact i wanted my image to be placed on the right hand side,i have done this to avoid following every conventions of making a magazine, as the image should have been placed in the middle of the page.

My magazine refers to my target audience as hardworking individuals but at the same time presents them as very outgoing indviduals and young. I say this because my coverlines.
 "300 n 1 ways to strive for your goals", "lyric compititon! a chance to win a singing lesson with beyonce!"
All of my coverlines are educational but then, make sure that they are interactive to make sure that the target audince do not get bored and can always interact with it.

My audience are teens from the age of 16 to 19. I have choosen this age group because they are in college, and  my magazine is for college students.

I would like my magazine to be sold at music venues and festivals, this is because my magazine includes alot of refrences to musicians
("A chance to meet Tinie Tempah", "Win a trip to Barcelona to meet Beyonce for a singing lesson"
 My magazine would also be sold at colleges, i think,  this is a really good way to sell my product as the students would be able to get one at anytime they want to. I could also sell my student magazine in supermarkets, this is because alot of people (students) go to supermarkets so advertising it where they are would be really good.

I have attracted my target audience with my coverlines, they include names of celebrities which my target audience look up to: names such as Beyonce and Tinie Tempah are icons to my target audience.
I have also attracted my target audience with the colours; colours such as light brown, black and white, these colours are not stereotyped which seemed to work in my favour.
I have been made to learn how to use indesign which i have alsways avoided because i have always found it complicated, but being exposed to it, has enabled me to be able to use a program much more advanced than photoshop. I have learnt that when using indesigm, i had to excercise pacience, i say this because i am still learning how to use the program, which would take time.

I would have to take pacience into making my music magazine, i say this because now i would not be making a magazine for my age group but rather a magazine for a specific group of people.
I would also have to take into acount the colours, ethnicity and even a diverse age group which would suit my target audience. I would also have to learn new techniques when using indesgn, this is to enable my magazine to look much more professional.
I would also have to do much more reserch so i can be able to get my finished product looking professional; By doing more reserch on colours, layout, techniques, images and even magazine conventions i would be taking my magazine to another level.

analysation of magazine front cover:

Mask head: “cover line” quite catchy and sends the idea of being insured by education. The mask head below is large this has been done so it could be immediately spotted from the other magazines. It has also been outlined in black; again to make it look very bold and stands out.

Colour scheme: My two main colours are light brown and white: this is because they both complement each other in a sense that they are not harsh and are not immediately stereotyped to an audience as my magazine is for both male and female. I also chose these colours beceause theya re both not harsh and too strong.

Main image: my main image features a young college student reading. This immediately informs the readers that the magazine is for students. The image is of a young female, although this may send an idea that the magazine is for females. It includes cover lines that are stereotypically for both genders.

Background: the mis en scene iasically a black chair; I have used props such as a pen and a book I have done this to emphasis on my magazine name and subheading, which is education.
Selling line: “the only insurance for your student life” this connects with both the magazine name and target audience, I say this because it identifies exactly what the magazine has ben made for“Cover line” “the only insurance for your student life” this shows that college students should be surrounded by their education, as it is their “insurance” for the future.
Fonts: for my selling line I have used: Segoe script. I have used this font as it takes on a student like character; it also tends to look very ordinary but yet makes a statement. My two main fonts are wide Latin and Bernard MT condensed; these two fonts have been used to emphasis on my simple look, to make a statement but yet not be so flashy, so it dose not overwhelm the page. 
Layout: Most of my cover lines have been placed on the left hand side of my magazine; this has been done to be enable to be identified immediately. I do have one cover line which stands on its own, on the right hand side of my magazine “Exclusive, Get tips for your future” this cover line stands on its own so it is seen immediately. 

anotation of magazine front cover:

Analysation of content page:
My content page takes up the same colour scheme as my magazine front cover, this is to ensure that the audince are still aware of the magazine they are reading.
i have also done this to make a signature for my magazine so whenever my target audince see my colour schmem they auomaticatlly know its coverline magazine.
I have placed the coverlines which i think my target audince are going to mostly appealed to on my content page, I have done for an easy access to where my readers want to read.
coverlines such as "A chance to meet Tinie Tempah in a lyric compition!", " Win a trip to Barcelona for a singing lesson with Beyonce" these are coverlines which  know my target audience would be mostly appealed to, I also included additional information just to make sure that my readers know exactly what they are going to be reading
For example in my front cover: "A chance to meet tinie tempah!
while in my content page: "A chance to meet tinie tempah in a lyric conpition!

anotation of magazine content page.

reserch and planning for a student magazine: coverline

"Coverline" is a student magazine that allows and gives students from the age of  16 to 19 oppotunities to be active by hosting compititions and giving out advices.
The name "Coverline" was brought about when i was looking at other magazines and saw their coverlines; which were very catchy,so, i dicided to name my magazine "coverline". coverline also reminds me of an insurance which i think every education should have in a sense that every student needs a back up plan

Reserch: magazine 1:magazines such as "Aspire" appeal to student as every student (in collge)should have aspirations.

 Layout: aspire includes an image of a college student: being very relaxed, she is layed on the grass which again stresses on the fact that she is very happy and relaxed.
Colour scheme: this magazine includes colours such as; pink, light blue, green, white, black, black. all these colours have been used to make the magazine much more colourful. multiples of colours have been used to appeal to the stereotypical teenager; who soppossedly love colours.
coverlines: the coverlines on this student magazine includes: "LITTLE BIT EXTRA more discounts than ever before with NUS", "GET STARTED from essays to bus routes", "Tis spooky!, halloween......" All these coverlines have been directed to very specific target audience- college students, who worry about quick and esay bus routes, dead lines, essays and abbreaviations ("Tis)

Reserch: magazine 2:
Live magazine (in my opinion) is the "typical" teens magazine. i have .included it in my reserch as it shows me what a typical teenager is interestd in, what coverlines they find most appealable and figure out it (they) could be included in my magazine
eg: "ESSAY COMPITION.... prize? a chance to meet tinie temper!"
due to my reserch, i have noticed that alot of teens are intersted in meet celebrities.
Layout: Live magazine includes a meduim shot of a young man, with a camcorder.

My Magazine Planning:
The name of my student magazine is coverline, i have chosen "coverlin" becauwse it expresses a scence of assurance and securance which every student need.

My selling line is: "the only insurance for your student life" this selling line ; just like live magazine, relates with the target audince as it connects to both the target audience and the magazine name.

 Coverline: "a chance to meet tinie tempah", "win a trip to barcelona for a singing lesson with beyonce, all for free", 300 n 1 ways to strive for your goals", "join the get that job campagne", "tips for your future". All these covelines all apply to the target audince as well as the age group. they all link to "what all teenagers like"
Abbreviations and names such as; Beyonce, 300 n 1 and Tinie tempah all attract youths (students)
My main Coverline: "300 n 1 ways to strive for your goals" i have chosen this coverline as my main coverline as it is both appealingn to youths and students. it connects to exactly what students want to know. 

Main Image: my main image is a picture of a young college student sitting with a book. this image has been shot as a high angle shot, which could connect a sense of aspiration.
The image of a student immediatly appeals to the tartget audince as it relates to their age group.

The background of my magazine is black: this is  a mis en scence of a chair as the student sits on it. the chair is black to ensure tht the attntion is donated to the main image which is the student.

Layout: My magazine would comply to all the normal norms of makin a magazine. my barcode would be placed on the lower left of the magazine.  my issue date would be placed on the upper left of the magazine.
my selling line would be placed right underneath my mask head. it would be writen in a pencil  hand writing, to make it look very ordinary but yet make a statement, as it is written in white.
most of my coverlines would be placed on the left hand side of my magazine, i have done this to enable my magazine took much more spacious than it is. i have place one coverline on the right hand side of my magazine, i have also done this to avoid both sides of my magazine to look crowded.

Colour Scheme: the two main colours of my magazine are light brown and white. i have chosen these two colours as they compliment each other without compromising each other.
I have also chosen light brown and white due to the fact that neither of them are stereotypied. i would also be using and extra colour which is brown: to help to add a bit more adverse to the colour scheme.

Fonts: I have included three main fonts on my magazine and they are: pencil writting- which is quite simple but yet stands out. i have also used Comic San MS and Engravers MT: these two fonts are also very simple but yet very bold as they both stand out.

Draft copy of my magazine:
This would enable me to be able to make specific decisions on my magazine